Happy Father's Day....To me.
“A parent’s love is whole, no matter how many times divided.” ~ Robert Brault How or why I got this point is not relevant. What matters is that I am a single parent. The boy's father is no longer involved in our lives. And while there are always two sides to every story, if you know me, I think you will know which side is the more accurate version. He once had a good, caring father, and I think that is what hurts me the most sometimes. We used to celebrate this day with daddy. When my son was a baby, you would not have found a more caring and devoted father. But choices were made and things that can't be undone were done, so we don't do the same things. So for several years now, I've been both mom and dad for my son. I used to be angry about this. I used to cry and scream and tell the world it wasn't fair. I grew up in a mostly strong female household with a very weak father, how was I supposed to handle raising a son? And yet, somehow I've managed. I...