Finding Peace

I know, I know - I said I was going to write more often... As much as I hate this particular expression, I wear many hats in my life. After all, being a mom, a legal assistant, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a long distance lover and all around bad ass is a LOT of work! So one of my unspoken resolutions for this year was to make more time just for me. My Kindle definitely helps with that because I'm reading more now that ever before (if that was even possible). I'm actually taking my lunch hour everyday at work and reading. I read before bed. I take it with me everywhere and read every chance I get. Then working out. It's not my favorite thing to do, but I was really great about it last year and then completely lost motivation this year. I'm trying to get that back in order but it's difficult when there's so little time left in my day after I get home from work. A few years ago, I made the effort and pushed myself to get ...