Day 19 - Nicknames

Nicknames...oh how I love these...(insert the 90's NOT)

I actually have quite a few, which seems silly since my name is pretty basic: Krista. Not much you can do to ruin that one right? Right?

We'll start with the high school one since it's the username I use to this day simply due to a lack of creativity for something else to identify myself as - blankita. That's a very mis-spelled spanish version of "little white girl", because well, that's what I am. My closest friends growing up were hispanic and I loved the hispanic culture...good lord, I even pro-created with a Puerto Rican man. It fit well when we were in school and I've used it ever since.

I have a few nicknames at work, one is KDH, which is just my initials. At work, the software system we use logs us in as our initials only and one of my co-workers calls us all by our initials only. The other one, which is what my office manager introduces me as to every single person is Kristar. Yup, Kristar. I got this nickname during an office holiday desk decorating contest. She wanted us to have themes, and I really didn't have one. I just had decorations up, so she named my desk "Kristar"...and then she just kept calling me that. At work, we'll say "party like a Kristar" instead of rock star, and I always have to explain to new employees that my name is really just Krista because our boss can't seem to call me by my actual name any longer. The newest is Cha-Cha Mama, which I earned at our last Christmas party by proving that even an old lady in her 30's can get down and shake her bootie like the younger girls in the office.

Although my poor son has it worse...when he was first born, my ex and I called him boyo, because we were both into celtic names and such. My non-mother-in-law hated it though and would refuse to call him that. Then my mother started calling him Braeden Bug, or her little bug. My son was a gorgeous baby, and once while we were out, a woman told me he was too pretty to be a boy. That turned into Pretty Boy, then PB for short. Once he got a little older, I thought pretty boy was kind of embarrassing so he turned into pumpkin butt :) Not sure that is really any better. I'll also refer to him as "the boy", and my friend Tiff just calls him "B". My baby may have an identity crisis before he's 10!


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