Day 20 - My future husband

For years, I've said my future husband will be John Cusack. I love him. Lloyd Dobler ruined all men for me for the rest of my life. You can't tell me you weren't in love the moment you saw him standing outside Ione Sky's window with the boombox playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. And if not, then you're too young and you must remedy this by watching Say Anything immediately.

In all actuality - the person I plan on spending the rest of my life with is Geoff. Geoff has been my best friend for years and years. We met when I was very young, just an 18 year old with other plans and an intense dislike of him before we even met.

I admit it - I broke the girl code by falling in love with my friend's ex. I wasn't supposed to even like him, and I did hate him on principle. But one fateful trip to New Hampshire to visit my friend and everything changed.

I can't explain why things happened the way they did, but for whatever reason, we ended up together. It was messy and tough when I was so young and for many reasons, we agreed that being friends was a better option. After all, I was a Florida girl and he was a New Englander. We both moved on with our lives, keeping in contact as much as possible. When we did lose touch for a few years, I missed him greatly. Eventually, we found each other again and the friendship picked up where it had dropped off.

Geoff was the one person who seemed to always know when I was lying to myself about anything and everything. He knew how unhappy I was even when I tried to explain otherwise. He called me on it many times and made me look at things honestly. We would talk for hours on the phone, and then came the unlimited amounts of texting. Just random things, after watching movies, while he was doing his "kamikaze" grocery shopping, if I was just in a mood and wanted some one to say something nice to me. And lots of complaining about our last winter, which was ungodly cold, and sometimes even colder than in New Hampshire. He became the person I needed to tell everything to first, and many nights I would think how differently it would all be if we were just in the same place...

When he finally came to visit me, after 13 very long years, it was with every intention of it being a friendly visit. People would ask, and I would tell them nothing was happening, we were just friends. After all, we were 1500 miles apart, who would be crazy enough to be in such a long distance relationship?

Turns out us - two hours into the visit, that was it. It feels natural to be with him. Like that's where we are supposed to be. I can't imagine a more perfect person in this world for me. And I didn't think I could ever truly love a person the way I do love him. We've still got things to work out - like where we will end up, but in the end, no matter where it is, we know it's together.


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