Day 21 - Something that makes me happy

There are lots and lots of things that make me happy, but ironically, my blogging group that I am working with will be doing a 10 things we love post next week, so I don't want to blow it all here.

Obviously, my son makes me happy, as does my relationship with Geoff, so I'm going to go with something totally materialistic here...

"I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist." - Tammy Faye Bakker

Hello, my name is Krista and I am a shopaholic. There is no endorphin rush quite like going to a store, finding something that would be perfect for (insert name of any person I know and love) and then realizing it is on major clearance! You see, I am not a willy nilly shopper, I am a bargain hunter. This allows me to really go overboard and get people (and myself) some really nice stuff without breaking my budget.

I learned this skill from my mother, who taught my sister and I how to shop properly. We can go all day long and only stop for minor breaks for food and drink, then keep on shopping. Our significant others do not love this trait, but they love us and really have no choice in the matter...

Happiness is reading the bottom of a JC Penney's receipt and seeing how much you've saved by purchasing it on sale or clearance. Happiness is a succesful Black Friday outing in which we've all purchased exactly what we were on the hunt for. Happiness is coming home from a day of shopping, loaded with bags. And don't tell me shopping isn't exercise. I guarantee you I'm lifting weights as I carry things from store to store, and getting in my squats and crouches while searching through the racks and aisles for the best bargain or the right size or color. It's my happy place :)


  1. lol so cute! I like shopping, but it never makes me happy like it does you!


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