Day 27 - Why am I even doing this challenge?

So why did I even start this thing again?

I think I explained this in my first post, but I'll reiterate it. I used to write a lot, for fun. Now it seems all I do is write for work, and while I can sometimes be creative there, it's still somewhat restrictive in the way I have to word things to comply with statutes and caselaw and rules of civil procedure. And I find when I am at work, I do better with the structure as opposed to creative license.

A very good friend of mine is a writer, and he inspired me to consider writing again. Not specifically this challenge, but I started to write essays to myself, which I'll probably never share. But then, after Geoff and I got together I realized there were going to be a lot of lonely nights. So when I saw a few friends on Facebook post that they were doing the challenge, I thought why not? It's great creative exercise, and it's turned into something even better! Now I'm part of a blogging project with 6 other women and it's opened up so much more for me to read and truly appreciate all the different experiences and points of view that others have.

I will admit, on the weekends I draft up some of the blogs, simply because some nights I know I will get home late and have way too much to do to give this the attention that it needs. However, I don't publish those as they are. I do go back and edit, make changes, update and sometimes re-write things. It's really more of an outline to what I think I want to say.


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