Day 2...The meaning behind my blog name

And I actually have a meaning!

When I first created this blog page, it was with the intention of writing as catharsis for a difficult time in my life. I was still very depressed about the end of my relationship with my son's father. Almost 8 years together, through some horrible times, and I had lost myself in all of the hurt and pain. I was sad and angry all of the time. I hated my life and where it had ended up. I was 30 years old and I felt I hadn't accomplished really any of the goals I had set for myself. Yet slowly, I was realizing that I could change some of that by accepting that what I thought was my life didn't have to be forever. I had some control over learning to be happy again and I knew I needed to find those things that would make me smile and live and love again. I wanted to get back to the me I had once been - young, smart, self-confident in my capabilities, and fun.

This began the journey to finding quest to find those things that gave me joy in life and help lead me to the path where I am today...

Tomorrow's blog will be longer. It's been a very, very, very long day!


  1. i also had the period of "finding holli" That journey was had its huge ups and downs..but it has made me a better person..who I always thought I was.

    Good job at finding yourself. That is a huge step


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