Day 4 - My bad habit(s)

Well this will be a short post because of course I have none.....

Oh wait, not true :)

Well, if I must share then here goes.

My very worst habit is procrastination. I don't mean to do it, and I try very hard to get motivated to take care of things when they need to be done instead of waiting until the last minute but I actually have a justification for this one. I work very well under pressure. I don't handle the pressure well, but I produce great work during it. When I try to plan it out and work on projects in advance, I get lost in the details and end up waiting to get it all done. I really need to work on this one and get myself a bit more organized so that I won't get consumed by the little things and focus on what needs to be done in order to complete whatever I am working on.

Sorry guys, this will end up a short one because right now I can't think...I've been exhausted since making it back to Florida and lack of sleep is finally catching up to me. Tomorrow's blog should be a good one though...that one I do have a plan for in my head!


  1. oh the joy of procrastination. I do this too, but mostly because it hurts when I do anything. I don't have a job right now, and so I am procrastinating things like, cleaning the bathroom and


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