Day 5 - Somewhere I have been

Pick a place where you have been...Well, I've been to lots of places but lately I've spent a lot more time in New England (thanks to a certain individual who is lucky enough to be loved by me!) . I could post pictures of New Hampshire, but I'm picking some place else close by.

I love this picture. Boston is one of my favorite places to visit. I've only been twice but each time leaves me feeling breathless. It's overwhelming for me because I'm so used to my small sleepy hometown but the history of it all just consumes me.

My first visit to Boston was in 1998. Said lucky person was enjoying a visit from me and he thought it would be a good idea to drive over for the day, meet up with hs father and take me and his son to the science museum. Now, science isn't exactly my favorite thing but I was excited to just go and see Boston for myself since I had always loved history. We first stopped at U Mass, where his father worked then headed on to the museum. We actually had a lot of fun, because it was more kid oriented, so his son and I crawled around some of the exhibits and just acted silly. The museum was near a port, so I could see the water and watching people walk around was fascinating. I was terrified of the way they drove though, but Geoff informed me that they had a good public transportation system so it was much easier to get around than it looked.

Years passed of course, before I was able to make another trip to Boston. In the meantime, I've traveled to New York City, Chicago, Nassau, Cozumel, Key West, Indiana (not my favorite, sorry family), Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Although Key West is a definite place I want to spend more time in, I've never felt the same way about a place that I did while in Boston. So in October, when I went to New Hampshire, I asked if we could make a side trip into Boston one day. I had a very dear friend who was now living in the area and thought I could benefit from seeing both my friend and the city once again :)

It still gets me...the feeling of a place being so alive and full of people. Again, overwhelming because of the volume of people, but walking around Faneuil Hall and the surrounding area was amazing. I absolutely love it. I don't think I could live there because I was still pretty terrified at the way people drove around there, and the fact that it was October and I was freezing but it's one of my favorite places in the whole world.


  1. That is a really gorgeous picture. All those places you ahve been soung amazing!


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