Day 9- Something to be proud of in the past few days

Today, I am celebrating the fact that I have stuck with this challenge for over a week now!

I know, this may not seem like much but I used to love writing and I've missed it. A very good friend of mine writes amazing stories and whenever he forwards these to me to read, I'm jealous because I can't seem to convey the same things in my writing. But as he says, the key to that is to keep on I write...

Not really my thing to be proud of, but I am proud of my son, whose report card was excellent. All good stuff and some improved grades. We've worked hard to keep his grades and excitement up about school (we had terrible kindergarten and first grade teachers).

I'm also proud that I may have found my first recipe. Not giving it away in the event that it turns out terrible, but if it looks good, I will post it up.

Just a short one today...happy reading!


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