6 Favorite Books

Just so you know - this might be an impossible list. I am a reader...I do nothing but read. Lots and lots and lots. So to pick 6 favorite books is a challenge.

I think I will just pick at random, 6 books that I love and would read over and over again. There are definitely books I am leaving out but these are the ones that I can think of at this point in time:

1. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell: It's a very, very, very long book but I read it over a weekend when I was in Jr. High school, and I've re-read it over several times since then. It's the South! Drama! Action! Romance! Social Change! And yes, the movie is also great but you miss out on so much...

2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling: You really can not split these up, as the series as a whole makes the story. I started reading these early on when a friend who worked at a bookstore recommended I read the first one. Then I had to be impatient and keep waiting for the next to be released. Finishing the last few pages of "Deathly Hallows" was difficult because I didn't want to let the series go. I knew there would still be movies, but they are never the same.

3. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank : This book was written in 1959 about the survivors of a post nuclear outbreak. It's set in the general vicinity of where I actually live, so reading it is a little surreal. Clearly it is fictional, and probably a little dated now, but one that I've enjoyed reading.

4. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery: A book about a spunky redhead whose fiery temper lands her in trouble. Nope, can't relate to this one personally at all!

5. Summer Sisters by Judy Blume: Well, it's Judy Blume and it's about growing up and growing past certain people in your life. It has an open ending, which normally I hate in a book but it works because in real life, endings are always open...and the next chapter can take you places you never thought possible.

6. My Antonia by Willa Cather: I don't really know why, but this book has always stuck with me. I just picked up another copy of it when I realized I couldn't find my previous copy and will be sitting down to re-read it again. Maybe then I will have a better explanation as to why this book is on my list of reads I can't seem to forget.


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