Seven Inspirations

I could offer a lengthy apology for not keeping up but guess what - my blog, my rules!

Keeping up with my blogging group even if it is only once a week is tough thanks to every day life, but I want to keep this up. So, here are the 7 people who give me the most inspiration.

1. My son: All lists of things that bring me joy will begin with him. Even when he drives me nutty, he fills me with awe. He challenges me as a person because I always have to keep in mind that he is learning and growing every day, and I am helping shape him into the man he will one day become. And his outlook on life, his happiness at such little things inspire me to keep finding new ways to challenge him back.

2. My mom: A single parent, she worked very hard to raise my sister and I, and clearly she did a great job cause I am awesome! My mother is a rock, and some one who always knows what to do no matter what happens. She is the crisis queen. I wish I was half as capable as she is at life.

3. Elizabeth Dole: Regardless of political leanings, I have to say Elizabeth Dole is one of the most amazing women. She was a former Secretary of Transportation under the Reagan Administration, and she pushed auto makers to make the lights in the center of the back windows mandatory. She also ran for president, and while she did not make it as far as Hilary Clinton in her bid, she was the first female to really make it that far in a presidential bid. I could list a multitude of reasons why I admire this woman, but I'll leave it be for now.

4. My boss: We call him "The Man" because he is! He's incredibly demanding and arrogant as hell, but also one of the most generous people I've ever met. He worked very hard to reach his place in life, and I always say I want to be Troy when I grow up. He gives back in many ways, and encourages all of us to do the same however we can. He makes us want to work as hard as we do for him. And that is something I wish I could do.

5. Thomas Jefferson: He is one of the most notable figures in American History and I have always held a fascination for him. He drafted our Declaration of Independence! He cultivated the need for higher learning and built a university. He became the president of our country. And yes, he was involved in scandal but I don't feel those things take away from the great things he actually did for our country.

6. Edna St. Vincent Millay: A poet, in the 1910-1940's era, who originally wrote under the pseudonym "Vincent" so she would be published rather than ignored because she was a female poet. She pushed the boundaries with her writings, covering sex, women's liberation and social injustices. I love her writing.

7. Missy: I don't know her last name, I worked with her very briefly while she "interned" at our office through a work rehabilitation program our office is a part of. Missy was in a wheelchair, and she was working to try and receive assistance to get an electric scooter to be more mobile. Hew wheelchair was old and difficult to move. I know, because I was partnered with her to be her point of contact around the office and I had to push her chair around. Missy was the happiest person I have ever met. She came in every day with a great big smile. She chatted with everyone like they were her new best friends, and at the time I worked with her, I was going through some stuff and had the tendency to fall into a terrible mood. Being around Missy made me realize that no matter what happens, there can be something to smile about.

There is your 7 - which is by no means exclusive...Many others inspire me, but these are the ones who came to mind first!


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