The 2 best movies on this planet

In a perfect world, I should not have to explain either of these movies to anyone. Because in said perfect world, these would be mandatory viewing. And don't ever ask me to choose between these two movies, as I would never, ever be able to pick just one as my favorite movie of all time. "I am looking for a dare to be great situation." - Say Anything: Lloyd Dobbler. The real man of my dreams (sorry Geoff...). If you ever stand outside my bedroom window blasting "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel, I will probably fall madly in love with you. Or, likely not, but I will swoon. Yes, swoon. And that scene with Leo and Kate in Titantic where they are in the car and they heat up the windows? Total rip off from this movie. Total. "I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave." - Labrynth: Oh David Bowie - I was only a girl of 8 when I first saw you in the movie, and did not yet know about your 70's glam rock, Ziggy Stardust...