1 Quote that describes your life

I got stalled on this one for very long time (obviously), because I had a very hard time trying to pick just one. I would pick one and start, then scrap it and say eh, I'll find another one.

But this one...this one I kept coming back to because it fits.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. " Douglas Adams

Because I once had a plan. Hell, I've had many plans, yet I've never managed to stay on those tracks. And for all the bad times in my life, I've had the alternately good times which make it all worth living. Did I know when I graduated (oh my god) 15 years ago this is where I would be? Absolutely not - I wanted to get the heck out of dodge. Did I know I'd ever be an single parent? God no...I didn't even want to have kids. I knew nothing...and I'm glad for it. Because all of those twists of fate brought me exactly to the point in my life where I grew to be comfortable with me and how my life was turning out. These things are what make me, well, me...


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