Day 11 - A deceased person you wish you could talk to

I can't pick just one.


I miss you so much. It's still so fresh and so painful. I realize they say "you're in a better place" but I'd give just about anything to have you around to have just one more meaningful conversation so you could tell me whether I was making the right decisions. You always gave it to me straight.

I can't tell the story again but I have to thank you for coming through and giving me what I needed. I hate the thought of Christmas this year because we can't call you on Christmas Eve and tell you Merry Christmas and then call you Christmas morning to say Happy Birthday.

I still miss you every day. I wish you could see things now. I wish we could continue to celebrate our birthday. But I'll keep drinking one more for you on that day. And I still go on Facebook and read old messages and posts from you.


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