Day 14 - Someone you’ve drifted away from

Ah, another difficult subject.  

I'm in my mid-thirties now, so there are quite a few people from my childhood that have naturally drifted away simply due to the art of growing up.  Being on social media sites helps us stay somewhat connected, but it's the lazy way of doing it.

I can remember sleepovers in Nicole's back yard in tents.  All night skate parties with my friends and the boys we thought were so cute.  (We really did have some handsome guys in our midst...we were a lucky group of girls).  I miss that core group of girls and our innocence.  Nicole, Nicky, Carey, Melena, Brandy, Marie, Debbie, Tara, Amy...I love how we were all friends.  Even though there were times that some were closer than others, and little rivalries that would break out, these girls always made it fun.  

Junior high started the separation, then high school cemented it.  It's all inevitable, as more people were introduced and interests changed.  But those childhood friendships and memories are precious to me.  And I miss those days of innocence.


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