Day 17 - Someone from your childhood

Dear You,

You were my very best friend growing up.  I didn't think there was anyone like you in the entire world.  You were fun, you were fearless, you were tough, and you were beautiful.  And I followed behind you in your footsteps.

The day I found out you were moving was one of the worst days of my life.  I couldn't believe I was about to lose you and at one of the times I probably needed you the most.  

Coming to visit you was one of the most life altering things I have ever done.  If I'd known beforehand how much, I don't know if I'd have been brave enough myself to take the trip.  I'm sorry I lost you afterwards.  But I'm grateful you are back in my life again - even if it isn't exactly how we'd probably imagined.

I know I broke the code.  I know it upset you.  I love him so much and it's because of you that we even got the chance to meet.  Sometimes I get jealous thinking of how gorgeous you were (and still are) and then looking at myself who will never be beautiful.  

In my mind, I'll forever be inside the skating rink with my BFF, dancing and skating and gossiping about cute boys with you.  


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