Day 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression

(Side note - I try to write these a few at a time and then schedule them but sometimes my brain stops working and I repeat myself).

Dear everyone I have ever met in my entire life.

There ya go.  Everyone judges people by their first impressions.  Everyone.  If this were a blog title that said someone you judged and was wrong about, then there would still be a lot of people to write about.  But that's not what this is.  If you say you don't judge people by their first impression, you're probably not being honest.  You may not be correct in your first assumptions about people and so you change your opinion, but that first impression starts you off with them.

I think I suck at first impressions because I'm a lot more guarded than I was much younger.  I'm admittedly not easy to get to know.  I give off being a much colder person than I actually am.  It's my defense against the world.  And I appreciate anyone who takes the time to realize that deep down, I'd do anything in the world for you if you gain my trust.


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