Day 24 - The person who gave you your favorite memory

(I didn't plan this - it's how the schedule ran, but it's fitting that I write this one on Mother's Day!)
Dear Boy,

In my 12,716 days on this earth (or 34 years and 9 1/2 months), there have been so many memories that I think it impossible to narrow this down to one favorite memory.  But I think the person who has given me my greatest memories is - and always will be - you.  

From the time you were born, to even last night when I was irritated at you for leaving the air on with the windows open (what, am I air conditioning the neighborhood?), each day you have given me a new memory.  I wish I had the ability to retain every last one of them.  Alas, Mommy will grow older and as we make new memories, old ones will fall away.

(I cheated and asked Braeden what his favorite memory with me was and he said this one:)

Your very first plane ride in October, 2010.  As we checked our bags and went to security you were so excited.  Then the TSA agent asked you for your drivers license and you looked at me as if to say - is this guy crazy?  I'm 7!  After we made it through security, we hopped on the monorail to the gate and you looked nervous.  It finally hit you that we were getting on that big plane and heading into the sky.  When we got to the gate, you looked out the window and grabbed your camera so you could take pictures of the plane we were going to ride.  The nerves started to go and you became excited again.  You kept my hand in yours as we boarded the plane and as we took off into the air.  You kept looking out the window as if you couldn't believe we were in the air, moving past the clouds.  Then you fell asleep!  You hated the landing because it bothered your ears but when we got off the plane and saw Geoff waiting for us you jumped back up happy again.  That whole trip was a great visit but what I loved the most was getting to see you experience that big thing for the very first time.  We're old pros at it now but I'll always remember  that first flight.


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