Day 28 - Someone that changed your life

Gosh - I feel like the people who've made the biggest impact for me already have letters written to them throughout this challenge.  

Let me go with this...

To my favorite twins in this entire earth.  My late teens and early twenties would have been boring beyond belief without the two of you.  I adore you equally.

You taught me how to be co-workers with your friends, which is a challenge in and of itself).  You taught me not to take myself too seriously as you dragged me on adventure after adventure of things I was clearly not qualified to do.  You showed me that I wasn't alone in what I was dealing with parental wise.    We spent hours with each other at work, outside of work, in school, out of school - all until one of you had to go and fall in love with someone who lived up north (can I blame you?  New England folks are hot!)  Then the other decided to follow along and abandon me too.

Being your friend has been a gift.  Every moment with the two of you brought me joy.  Even if I hated you at the time!  Maybe one of these days, I'll only be a state or two away and we can cause a little more trouble together.  I love my twins!!

(Why am I always so red-faced when I am with you guys?  I'm either drunk or laughing too hard!)


  1. I can definitely say that you've been part of our family since junior high. We are here for you and we continue to share specials times together. We were there when your were pregnant and you were here to see me get married. Krista, you need to hurry up and get here. The adventures are waiting and the journey still continues. Love Your Twins.


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