Welcome to 2014.

2013 was a hell of a year.  Not a great one, but not the worst year ever.  I had my share of ups and downs.  I had a tiny (massive) freak out at the beginning of last year because I kept feeling like I was supposed to set all of these goals and make shit happen, when in reality, all I wanted was to find a little peace.  

And so, in my own little way, I did.  I finished a Goodreads challenge, which I started at 150 books, then as I realized I was going to smash through that pretty quickly, I re-set to 365.  I ended the year with a documented 375 books.  That's only the books I logged in as completed.  I read more, but I chose not to include short stories or novellas.  If it only took me 15 minutes to read it, it didn't make the log.  I'm doing it again this year and I may write about some of those here if the mood strikes.

I didn't spend as much time as I wanted to with the boyfriend, but I did get three weeks with him.  I spent Spring Break playing in snow, got a week together for our 3 year anniversary (from which I came home to an air conditioning unit that decided to blow up the very night I got home in the beginning of July in Florida.  I was sure it was a sign.)  He came here in September and we went on a cruise to the Bahamas.  

My best friend got pregnant and had a baby New Year's Eve!  Of course this made the biological clock scream at me, but I have mostly suppressed the urges.  

And I wrote a book!  Several friends had been NaNoWriMo participants over the past few years and I took the leap and did it too.  I finished before the end of the month with over 50k words and got to claim my prize of a nifty Facebook cover!  Alas, you will not be reading this book anytime soon.  It's a very fictionalized version of my relationship and a little too personal for me to let out into the world.  But - I did it!

I managed to finish out the year feeling a little older and a little wiser.  The more I struggle to find Krista, the more I realize that I don't think I'll ever be done searching.  I mean - essentially, I'm a blog about nothing.  Well, my life, but there's no center.  I'm not a DIY queen.  I don't have thousands of recipes (or the time to create one and document it complete with cutesy pictures).  I'm not a book reviewer, but I can give you an opinion if you like it.  I'm not a stay at home mom with a billion ways to keep life fresh and exciting.  I'm just a (semi) normal working mom, who fails pretty regularly and I think I'm ok with that.   But that doesn't mean I have to stop trying to find out where I shine.  

So here's to 2014 and finding what makes me shine.


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