"I be up in the gym working on my fitness"

I've seen a few posts online where people are complaining about the New Year Resolution people who go to the gym for a week and then quit and how they're looking forward to getting their gym back.  

This pisses me off.  I'm not skinny.  I've never been skinny.  But a few years ago I did make an effort to become a healthier woman.  I lost some weight and I've mostly maintained that loss.  But I haven't been great at the maintenance.  So I look at the new year as a chance to start over.  Wash it away and say, this year I'm going to try harder.  This might mean that I finally decided to use my gym membership that comes with my health insurance plan.  But if you look at me with derision, like I'm taking up your valuable space at "your" gym, then yeah, I'm probably not going to be inclined to come back after a week or so.  So maybe instead of being a smug a-hole about "your" gym, you should try and encourage that person who resolved to make a change in their life.  Because they are there.  They are taking that step and trying.  Doesn't that deserve a little more respect?

I can't run worth a damn, but the other day my son and I went to the park and walked along the nature trail and I decided to jog a few small stretches.  Believe me when I tell you how much I suck at running, but at least I tried.  Maybe I can only run for a small period of time, but I did it in several small bursts and if I were going someplace that took me back to the age of 13 when the boys decided to tease me about my boobs bouncing up and down (Watch out for black eyes was the common refrain), then I'd probably want to give up too.  I don't think I'll ever be a runner, but if the Zombie Apocalypse started, I'd at least like to give myself a fighting chance at getting away!

End of rant about mean people sucking.


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