Day 15 - Doing the shuffle

Today's topic - place your ipod (or whatever music player you have) on shuffle and list the first 10 songs it plays. Should be fun - I've got a good mix of stuff on it right now...
And as I am enjoying a day off with my son, today should be an awesome day!!

1. Adele - Rolling in the Deep: I love this woman's much soul. I feel every word she sings.

2. Avett Brothers - The Ballad of Love and Hate: "Love has been waiting, patient and kind. Just wanting a phone call or some kind of sign,That the one that she cares for, who's out of his mind, Will make it back safe to her arms/ Hate stumbles forward and leans in the door. Weary head hung, eyes to the floor. He says "Love, I'm sorry", and she says, 'What for? I'm yours and that's it, Whatever. I should not have been gone for so long. I'm yours and that's it, forever. You're mine and that's it, forever'."
One of the first songs I ever heard by this band - love it...

3. Allie Moss - Melancholy Astronautic Man: This was free from Itunes on some indie summer sampler. Short and sweet.

4. 30 Seconds to Mars - A Beautiful Lie: I have loved Jared Leto since Jordan Catalano first appeared on a television screen. I listened to him sing on My So-Called Life long before everyone else heard him. Still a travesty that series didn't last for more than one season.

5. Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song): I mentioned I'm a fan of 90's alternative music right?

6. Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule - I'm Real (Murder Remix): I didn't like her regular version but I love the remix. Yes, make fun of me. "Cause I'm real..."

7. Aqua - Turn Back Time: Yes, Barbie Girl was a bigger hit but did you ever listen to that whole cd? It was full of awesome dance songs. This one was the ballad.

8. Sarah McLachlan - Circle: Fumbling Towards Ecstacy is one of my favorite cd's of all time. This one isn't my favorite track, but it's not bad. I still like the song.

9. Four Star Mary - Pain: If you're a Buffy fan, you may recognize this band name as the real band that played when Dingo Ate My Baby performed on the show. From the Buffy soundtrack and I'm not ashamed to own that one.

10. Lemonheads - Become the Enemy: Evan Dando. 'Nuff said. Actually, I will say this about the song. My friend Tiffany introduced me to it while I was trying to recover from the end of my son's father and my relationship. "Oh Love, what you say to me is not how love's supposed to be, and oh what you do to me when you become the enemy" Listened to it over and over.


  1. i have never heard of any of these songs. I am going to have to you tube them!


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