Day 26 - What I think of my friends

This one seems kind of like it's asking for trouble here...

Good thing I only have good things to say!!

I know, I know, I keep going back to the rough couple of years I had but I won't ever be able to explain how much my friends helped me get through it. Every single one contributed to getting me back on my feet again and helping me learn how to be happy again.

My best friends are amazing women. But I've already blogged about them...So I'll mention a few extra people and why I adore them.

My friend Alberto, sort of like the big brother I never had, can come off as a bit intimidating but I can't ever thank him enough for the male perspective he's shared with me over these many years we've known one another. I met him in our Into to Paralegalism class, in which he mostly slept while I took copious amounts of notes. He made a comment in class one day (a rare occasion that he was awake) about being in a band, and I (in a very out of character moment for me) approached him after class to ask what band he was in. This started a beautiful friendship with a great guy who did lots of listening during several break ups and the loss of a very good friend. And who doesn't fault me too much for not coming and hanging out with the family as much as I should. His wife is a saint for putting up with him!

I want to write about Marcus, because he was another long time friend who helped me grow up. I was only 20 years old when we met, and he was 40-something. My best friend was dating a friend of his and we all hung out at a bar together. Marc and I discovered we shared a birthday so on my 21st birthday, we held a joint party and bought each other bottles of Jose Cuervo. And so began the annual tradition of sharing our birthdays together every year. Even when he moved to Mississippi, he would come home around our birthday and we would get together. Marc and I had many conversations about life and politics and relationships, and every time I doubted myself, Marc would remind me again and again how much more I deserved. He came to my house the end of May/early June last year and we had one of the longest, most honest conversations I've ever had. When he left my house, I felt like we had come so far in our friendship and it meant so much to me that he could finally see that I was getting my life on track once again. Marc passed away unexpectedly right before the 4th of July, right before he was scheduled to come back to Florida for our annual birthday celebration. Birthdays just won't quite be the same anymore.

And now that I am sad, I'll try to move this back to a happier place. I work with another awesome woman named Jennifer. I was actually hired to assist her when I started my current job, and luckily we got along amazingly well. She's this tiny blond and it would be easy to be jealous of her, but she's aways had my back at work, and in life when I needed her. I always say that the day she gives up and quits, I'm following her out the door because I can't make it there without her! Our positions at work have changed, so we work together on a team with a few others now, and I can't ask for a better team mate.

Those are just a few extra special people to me. Not that there aren't others, but then this blog would be way too long and it's already longer than I anticipated!


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