I Need a Hero...

According to Wikipedia: "A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a fictional character of 'extraordinary or superhuman powers' dedicated to protecting the public.
If you know anyting about me, then you probably already know who my choice is for favorite super hero...rather heroine...
"In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, created by the genius that is Joss Whedon, is my all time favorite show and character ever. I know most of the episodes by heart. I have each season on DVD and re-watch them constantly (Season 5 currently on my night stand...). I'm only slightly obsessed with the Buffy mythos.
I actually started watching the show when Geoff and I were first together in 1997. Since internet was not so common back then , we would spend long hours on the phone and watch TV together. One night, Geoff started watching Buffy so I tuned in along with him. It was one of the first few episodes of the first season and I instantly fell in love. He stopped watching fairly quickly, but I was hooked. On the nights I had to work, or go to class, I had to make sure I was able to record the episodes so that I could watch it immediately once I got home. When I lived with my grandparents, my grandfather would start the VCR up and watch the episodes while it recorded, then tell me when I got home whether or not I would like what had happened. I still have some of those videotapes to this day! When DVD players first started gaining popularity, I held out because I didn't think they were necessary. Then Buffy was released on DVD and I had to have one...yes, I am aware of the ridiculousness of that but I did acknowledge my obsession.
I can watch episodes of Buffy and recall the times in my life. I clearly remember watching the final season while pregnant with my son, and crying my eyes out during the series finale. I could blame pregnancy hormones, but I think we all know better! I was a member of a Buffy spoiler board and would spend hours analyzing every last detail of the show. Die hard Buffy/Angel shipper to this day...Riley annoyed me, and while I could see the appeal of Spike, I was Team Angel.
As crazy as it seems, this show was a big part of my life for a very long time. And I absolutely hate the fact that they are going to try and re-vamp (ha ha, not even trying for the pun here and it fell into place) it and make a new version without Joss Whedon. To me, Sarah Michelle Gellar was the only Buffy (the 1992 movie was a travesty), and there's no one else I can see picking up this character and making it work. Have I admitted that I know it's lame yet? Cause I do, but I can't help the obsession...
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