Day 05 - Your dreams

I haven't forgotten about some of you. I wish I had the means to make some of them come true.

I made you happen - the dream of owning my own home. And I lucked into you - the dream of finding love. Dream of success and riches - we need to talk, you're still avoiding me!

The dream of owning a cigar bar like the one I used to go to when I was younger still lingers. But I think I'm just trying to recapture a moment in time which won't ever be again. Still, I think about it.

The dream of getting married and living happily ever after is getting there (hint, hint). I'm in love with the one who I want it to be with and he loves me too - he's just taking his time!

Dream of being a famous singer, you are probably long gone now. But we used to spend a lot of time together. I think I had the talent, but not all the other things that would have made it happen.

Dream of being a writer - I lost you for awhile. I get my kicks now by blogging but I probably won't become some famous blogger with a ridiculous following. But it's nice to imagine.


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