Day 17 - My Personal Freaky Friday

Hmmm....who would I want to switch lives with for a day and why...

This is a hard one, because although it isn't perfect, I love my life. I've gained independence, I have a great kid, and I'm in love with an amazing man. The only thing I am truly lacking is millions of dollars to enjoy it all even more with!

It would be petty of me to say I want to switch lives with my ex's new girlfriend so I can dump him and make his life miserable...So I won't do that. Actually, I would never want to do that because then I would have to be around him, and I kind of like it the way things are now.

And if I chose some one famous and rich, then I would have all of their problems, and I don't kid myself into thinking they don't have issues even worse than I do.

It might be fun to switch with my son for a day, just so I could be universally spoiled and adored, but then I'd have to go back to elementary school and deal with Mom telling me to clean my room and pick up after the dog.

The more I think about it, the more I think living my life is exactly what I am supposed to be doing, so why would I want to trade that even for a minute? Therefore, I choose no one. There isn't anyone I'd rather be than me.


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