Day 04 - To my siblings

I was debating doing this individually, but I think it would be too long, so I'm just going to talk as a whole.

I love each and every one of you. As the oldest, I feel like it's sort of my duty to keep an eye out for you, and to dispense any words of wisdom so that you all might avoid some of the same errors in judgment. But at the same time, I know whatever I say will mean nothing because you all want to learn your own lessons. I still want to help teach you.

We've never been a particularly close and cohesive unit. It would have been difficult, given the gaps in ages between all of us. I think we've had moments where we felt like a big happy family, but those are gone. I wish we could be one. I wish we could all get along and forgive the mistakes we've all made. One day, we will need each other. I think seeing our grandfather pass should have reminded us of this.

When people ask me how may siblings I have, I always tell them I am the oldest of 6. I never left anyone out - because no matter how we came to be siblings, we are. I helped raise the majority of you when you were babies. I even named one of you. Of course I'll disapprove of some of your decisions, but hey - I don't expect you would agree with all of mine either.

We are all so different from each other. And that's perfectly fine. And I miss the lot of you that up and moved far away :) I'm grateful for the one who hasn't.

I love you guys - I'm proud of many of the things you've all accomplished. I hope you feel the same about me <3


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