Evening Prayers

My Mamaw, whom I see every single day, does prayers with the boy and me every night before his bedtime. If I don't call by a certain time, she calls us. Some nights, this is a huge hassle. If the boy isn't feeling well and falls asleep early before we can call, then she gets upset with me. And sometimes I'm just in the middle of doing dishes, or some other chore and I end up not finishing what I'm doing. But every night, the boy puts the phone on speaker and I hear their prayers. Over the years, the prayers have evolved. They started out pretty basic. Then, as we added to the family, more people were included in the "God Bless" section. Close friends were added to the rotation. Geoff and his family are part of the evening prayers now as well. People she has never met - like his son and brothers, all included. Some nights, this is when she chooses to break news to me about some illness with a far away family member. I...